Stan Hanson remembers:

OK time to step this up a little.

I remember:

The TeePee and peephole

Being a lifeguard at the Jawhawk Plunge

All night poker games at Paul Dahlstroms house

The Las Vegas road trip we took to see Bernie Kennedy in the hospital after his car wreck.  He was lying beside the pool getting a tan when we got there.

Cruising Allen's Drive In when cruising the "big Square".

Play tennis with Fred Hartman and Don Binns as our coach.

The glue pots backstage when in Thespians.

Our Class of 61 football team that never tasted defeat from 7th grade through seniors in high school

The sand greens on the golf course south of Lawrence.

All the summer baseball games.  I never could strike Martin Owens out!

Working at the Golden Cue on 23rd St.

Drinking my first boiler maker

Playing basketball in the alley with Jim Calvert and Charlie Blass

Going to "And God Created Woman"

Going sledding down the Hill and into the fence at the KU football stadium. 

Challenging a guy to meet me at the bicycle racks and Jr High and secrectly glad he didnt show!

Nanny Duver making fun of students that were unable to perform up to his standards.

Dad Perry showing the way teaching/coaching ought to be done.


Some more from Stan Hanson:

About 22 100# potato sacks full of hedge apples in the back of Bob Rhodes pink and white station wagon that ended up on Mr Rogers front lawn.  That was done on prom night while we were all duded up.

A headstone also placed on Mr Rodgers house that freaked out his wife. We all felt bad about that one.

When Mr Rodgers (when he was an assistant basketball couch) was showing us the proper technique to do a layup and couldn't contain a large amount flatulance.  I dont know whose frace was redder mr Rodgers or the girls in the gym.

Jack Maloney calling Al Woolard the impregnable pigskin.

Someone spreading little firecrackers in the hallway.  The kind that if you stepped on them they would give out a loud pop.

Having a lot of crushes I was too timid to follow through on

Surprising couples parked in the Allen Field House parking lot with a flash from a camera and on the road that is now the way to the golf course and surrounded by houses.


Stan Hanson remembers or confesses about the VW in the corner:

Let's just say we were taking drivers ed that summer when it happened.  I know the ones who did it felt bad about it because we, i mean they, didnt know the wheels would camber in when we, i mean they actually moved it into the corner.  It wasnt my idea and the devil made us do it.  That my story and I'm sticking to it!!

Rich Noever replys:

Sound like a politician doesn't it?


Stan Hanson remembers:

I got the 1958 Olds stick shift the first half andI was always the last one to drive andthe instructor would have me drive us through the KU campsu so he could watch the girls while i had to keep my eyes on the street!!  Yeah right!

Rich Noever"s response:

I tried to take out a parking meter on Mass while trying to angle park.